To mark the start of the 26th Premier League season tomorrow, Halifax researched the house prices of properties near the grounds. This included all 49 football clubs that have played in the Premier League since 1992, over the past 20 years.

Homeowners living in the areas surrounding White Hart Lane have seen their property prices rise by a staggering 655pc over the past 20 years, according to new data. The average home value in the district surrounding Tottenham’s stadium has risen more than seven and a half times since 1997. From £59,638 to £450,104 today.

Figures collated by Halifax using Land Registry data show that Spurs are the winners when it comes to house price growth. While West Ham, Chelsea and Watford have also seen a surge in local property prices over the past two decades. The data is based on where the teams are located now, excluding West Ham. Halifax took property prices from its old stadium in Upton Park, and Tottenham, which has temporarily moved to Wembley.

It found that six present Premier League clubs and four past teams were among the top 10 for local house price growth.

While current Premier League team Tottenham tops the table with a 655pc increase in house prices over the past 20 years, West Ham United (611pc) and Chelsea (524pc) came second and fifth, respectively. Past Premier League teams Charlton Athletic (583pc), Queens Park Rangers (548pc) and Fulham (524pc) came third, fourth and fifth in the list, respectively.

Martin Ellis, Halifax housing economist said: “In the last 20 years, average house prices immediately outside some of the country’s top clubs have seen rises that far outstrip the country as a whole. Some areas also benefiting from the associated infrastructure improvements that come with clubs moving to new stadiums.”

Huge property increases in Premier League locations

The average house price for all 49 past and present Premier League football clubs has risen by an average of £243,591. This is equivalent to 326pc. By comparison, average property prices in England and Wales have risen by £207,230, or 283pc.

Chelsea takes the title for the most expensive area to live. With an average house price of £1.1m for homes around Stamford Bridge. House prices by Arsenal’s Emirates stadium have risen 493pc over two decades. But average property prices near the ground cost more than £313,000 more than in Tottenham.

You may decide that living in one of these Premier League locations isn’t for you, but if you require mortgage advice in Lincoln or Nottingham.